It was early 2020
People had been through a long dark winter
February had been a horrible month with storms and lots of rain
Nature was restless, as if it wanted to tell people something, warn them...
And then March started....
It was March 2020
All of a sudden people all over the world stopped going outside
Countries were locked down, people couldn’t believe that this was happening – it was so surreal!
The streets were empty, most of the shops were closed and most cars were parked along the side of the road...
Everyone knew what was going on
But spring didn’t know
And flowers continued to bloom
And the sun was shining
The first beautiful spring day arrived
And the swallows returned
And the sky turned orange and blue
It got dark later and light earlier
It was March 2020
Young people studied online, at home
Children inevitably continued playing, mainly inside
Teenagers were bored, parents didn’t know what to do
People only ventured out briefly to walk the dog or get groceries
Nearly everywhere was closed, even offices, hotels, restaurants and bars
People had to work from home
Employers got into financial difficulty
Most children couldn’t go to school anymore
All of a sudden there wasn’t enough room for people in hospitals,
Operations and examinations were postponed
Everybody knew.
But spring didn’t know and sprung
Unperturbed, she stuck to her annual routine
She gifted us her most beautiful flowers and scents
It was March 2020
Everybody was quarantined at home, for health reasons or just to be safe
Some people weren’t allowed to work anymore, others had to
Hugs, kisses and handshakes turned into threats
People needed to keep their distance, which was horrible
In the supermarkets there were lots of empty shelves
Many fun events were cancelled and nobody knew how long for
People’s freedom was being restricted even though it was peacetime
Across the world people fell ill and it was contagious...
There was isolation, disease and panic.
That’s when the fear really hit!!
All of the days looked the same
And the weeks seemed to stretch out endlessly
Everybody hoped the measures wouldn’t get even stricter
People were stuck in a film, waiting every day for the hero to arrive
The world had slowed down and it wasn’t even a holiday
Nobody had expected this ...
Everybody knew what was going on...
But spring didn’t know and the roses kept blooming
Magnolia buds were opening
And birds started building their nests
The air quality was improving
And then ...
The joys of cooking and eating together were re-discovered
People shared ideas about nice things to do with their children
There was time to write and read
People used their imagination and boredom turned into creativity
Some learned a new language
Some discovered a love of art
Some realised they hadn’t really been living their lives and rediscovered their true selves
From one day to the next, people suddenly had more time for their families
Others left their unhappy relationships in search of true love
People offered to shop or cook for vulnerable people
Everybody knew what a ‘key worker’ was
These people were heroes and appreciated more than ever before
Others sang or made music together online to be with others
People recognised loneliness and discovered things to combat it
People recovered from their stressful lives
People started talking to strangers
Some put their telephone numbers on paper aeroplanes so lonely people could phone them
Government support saved companies and stopped them having to fire staff
Retired care workers offered to return to their jobs
Volunteers appeared from everywhere – everybody wanted to help
At 8 pm people spontaneously applauded the doctors, nurses and carers who were working so hard to save everybody
2020 became the year in which people rediscovered the importance of health and connection
Of togetherness, social contact and maybe even their calling
Something was happening to our collective consciousness – it touched everybody
The economy nearly ground to a halt, but didn’t collapse and re-invented itself
It was the year the world seemed to stop
The year we would make history together......We all knew that
But spring didn’t know
And the rivers were getting cleaner
And the trees got leaves
And the flower bulbs erupted
And the days got warmer
And lots of birds returned
And then salvation came
People watched TV and the prime minster told everyone the emergency had passed
And that the Virus had lost!
That we had won TOGETHER!!!
And then everybody went outside
With tears in their eyes
Without masks or gloves
Neighbours were hugged close like family
And the world had become a more loving and caring place
And the people had become more humane
Having regained their values
They had opened their hearts again which had a positive effect
Because everything had stopped, the Earth could breathe again
Nature had recovered from what people had inflicted on her for so long
And then the summer came
Because spring didn’t know
And it was still there
Despite everything
Despite the virus
Despite the fear
Despite the death
Because spring didn’t know, everybody learned the meaning of life
“Inspired by Irene Vella – it was 11 March 2020”
Written by Susan Blanco about the situation in The Netherlands (De Taalrecycler)
Translated bij Peter Pas